
Rood op doek °1

Olieverf op doek
60cm x 80 cm


Rood op doek °1 is one of the first works I did with oil paint. This work was created not only for aesthetic reasons but (also) to evoke an emotion in the audience. The use of the impasto technique creates depth, which is enhanced by the light-dark contrast.

Rood op doek °2

Olieverf op doek
60cm x 90 cm


Just like Rood op doek °2, this work is not created for merely aestethic reasons. Perhaps more than with the first work, this one must also trigger emotions in the viewer. the (dark) red colour conveys a sense of warmth but also danger. Which emerges most depends on the viewer.

Blauw op doek °1

Olieverf op doek
60cm x 80 cm


Through impasto, the oil paint imitates the appearance of clouds or waves. The light playing with the thick layer of paint gives the work the dynamic appearance. Is it restless? or just the opposite? 
In contrast to Rood op doek °1 and Rood op doek °2, this work gives off a chilling atmosphere.

Lijn en Kleur Studie

Olieverf en oliepastel op doek
120cm x 120 cm


The work is inspired by stained glass, which is reflected in how this work reacts to light. Because the lines and paint are loosely applied, this work gets its distinctive look. The large canvas creates a sense of being overwhelmed.